Heart Of Twilight

Welcome, sister!

My name is Kalika Sharma. I am a women’s circle facilitator and transformational coach, guiding women to embody their feminine sovereignty. As women who have carried intergenerational patterns of what it means to be a woman, today, we can make a choice to consciously transform in order to heal from our past wounds. Together we are redefining the role of women and rewriting a new herstory as feminine leaders. I invite you to explore my website and learn more about the 12-week online program

Feminine Sovereignty

Welcome, sister!

My name is Kalika Sharma. I am a women’s circle facilitator and transformational coach, guiding women into their feminine sovereignty. As women who have carried intergenerational patterns of what it means to be a woman, today, we can make a choice to consciously transform in order to heal from our past wounds. Together we are redefining the role of women and rewriting a new herstory as feminine leaders. I invite you to explore my website and learn more about the 3-month long program.

Emerging into feminine sovereignty requires a deep descent. The 12-week program, which is offered in circle or one-on-one, is meant for feminine leaders who are ready to receive the tools and support for a transformational journey into embodying their feminine sovereignty, becoming soul-aligned leaders.

The next circle begins in April 2022. Apply by March 31st, 2022.

Weekly gatherings will be from April to June 2022.
The circle is limited to 10 places. Pre-book your place to enrol for the circle starting in April 2022.

When we master the sovereign feminine we can be feminine leaders in service from the heart.

How does transformation happen in a sacred circle?

A sacred circle is a facilitated container where you can experience your deepest transformation by the circle’s potency to make you feel witnessed, supported, and loved. Circle is the place to drop your mask and step in as you are, in your mess and authenticity. We do sharing, movement and rituals to connect to our higher selves and to honour the sacredness of our space and time. Ultimately, the way we show up in the circle is the way we show up in the world, so we can become intentional with our energy and have the breakthroughs waiting for us. (Note that circle is not in any way a replacement for therapy.)

About me

I’m Kalika Sharma, a women’s circle facilitator and transformational coach. I’ve facilitated several sacred circles while going through the healing journey and transformation myself. I am a Master circle facilitator and transformational coach, certified by Sistership Circle, an international organisation that trains and certifies circle facilitators. I’m moved by women on the verge of a breakthrough asking the question: after the patriarchy, after feminism, what next? This next doesn’t exist: feminine leadership has to be a new herstory written by the women of our time. When you embody your sovereignty, you stop the struggle and relax into your soul’s purpose. That is the place I wish for your transformational journey to lead you to. I look forward to holding space for you, sister.

Embody your feminine sovereignty
to lead with ease and grace.


Meeting a women’s circle was one of my biggest desires when I came to Mumbai. When I found a sacred women’s circle on the internet, I could not imagine I would find a so caring and lovely person as Kalika is, who is so professional at the same time. She knows how to make us feel comfortable for opening our hearts, how to listen to us, and she also rules for avoiding that opinions disturb the mood and sacredness of the gathering. As I have been organising women circles in my country, Spain, I appreciate from my experience all her kind work.

Beatriz Muñoz, Madrid, Spain

Spanish government employee and Kundalini yoga teacher

I attended multiple sacred circles that Kalika facilitated. I learned that whether Kalika is on the receiving end or the giving end of a circle she brings all of her presence to the women she sits with. As a Circle Facilitator she is passionate about her work, open, vulnerable and strong all at once, creative in her approaches for personal development, savvy, fun and loving. She is safe to share your heart with, and when you do, wonderful things happen!

Shizumi Crimi, California, USA

Co-Founder of Awaken and Professional Martial Arts Teacher

Kalika is an amazing circle facilitator. She led us through a variety of insightful activities to help us examine our personal blocks and stories that are holding us back. Her style of facilitation is light, warm and loving, and at the same time encourages deep work and sharing with other circle sisters. She establishes and holds a sacred space easily. I have enjoyed participating in the circle thoroughly, and I’d love to attend more.

SevaRam Spronk, Kitchener, Ontario Canada

Coach and Kundalini yoga teacher

Kalika has a special magic, and is wonderfully skilled in bringing together a women’s circle. Being a part of one of her circles is like undergoing an awakening, your connection to self, your subconscious thoughts, your soul is deep. Being a part of the energy of this gathering of women and receiving the support is an experience. The rituals evoke powerful feelings. Kalika is able to masterfully guide these awakened emotions, thoughts, feelings and holds space for all of us. If you haven’t experienced the magic and power of a circle, you must attend Kalika’s circles, it’s not to be missed.

Savitha Nanjappa, Bangalore, India

Business Coach, Founder of Coorg Women’s Community

I had the privilege being in circle with Kalika as a facilitator on the theme of fiery passion and to me she felt the exact embodiment of the fire Goddess with fierce grace. Kalika was very grounded, calm and focused in leading the group to different aspects of circling whilst maintaining the time, which is a quality that many facilitators find challenging. I highly recommend experiencing Kalika’s unique blend of wisdom and discernment in her circle facilitation.

Jonita D’souza, Port Blair, Andaman Islands, India

Founder Exploring Femininity

Kalika is a strong and powerful advocate of the Feminine Sovereignty Circle. She knows exactly when to push you to help you dive deeper to know yourself. I joined the program with the intention of finding my “passion” or “purpose”. Through the journey, I found myself effortlessly opening up and shedding, quite contrary to my nature of holding back. I can only attribute this to the safe and conducive environment that Kalika created for us. This was program was a huge step for me in the right direction.

Karen Herbert

Associate Manager at Accenture

Kalika is a very sincere, kind, understanding, accommodating and perceptive facilitator. She is sensitive of everyone’s needs and helps each person tap into their transformation in their very own unique way. She helps shine light on one’s blind spots and provides a lot of valuable insight. Glad and proud that Kalika will be helping more and more women achieve their sovereignty.

Ananya Roy

Consultant, Innovation and Future Studies

I went through the Feminine Sovereignty Sacred Circles program recently, and I am so glad I went for it. I got some deep insights on my fears. And how fears were impacting my actions in day to day life and also on the decisions I took or didn’t take in the past. I regard this as a tremendous knowing that got unveiled for me. I have been able to experience life differently and have been able to take concrete actions. Kalika has been superb as a facilitator. She held the space so well, for the revelations to come forth, and for the explorations to go in depth. I recommend this program to women who would like to take their inner journeys to the next level, and this would definitely start to have visible changes in the real world.

Siji Nair Kaul

Head of Marketing for Women's Health at Bayer

Kalika is a passionate, committed facilitator of Sacred Circles. I find her excellent in terms of punctuality, ability to keep all participants to time when it comes to sharing, and helped me as a participant to stay focussed on the specific point of discussion. 

She has the ability and content structure that enabled me to cut through stories I have held on to for my entire life and look at things as they are. She is gentle yet firm, creates a beautiful energy of support, and has in a subtle consistent manner guided me across this transformation journey. I have found this program so pertinent. I have been talking about Kalika and her Sacred Circle to all those who seem to be stuck at some stage in their lives and need a push. Kalika has the strength to guide and walk you through. Highly recommended.

Bharti Athray

Content Creator, Business Owner, Financial Literacy Advocate, Community Leader, LeanIn

It was wonderful to do this journey with Kalika. She helped shine a lot of light on my issues that we as women typically repress. She helped me to recognise my anger and rage were all good things because it taught me that my boundaries are being violated.  With the inner child work, I learnt to see my parents also as people, loving, well-intentioned but also flawed humans bringing their own generational trauma to parenting. As a single mother, I am already sovereign and make many decisions on my own. The journey with Kalika raised my awareness about this. I certainly feel more confident and able to speak up for myself. Since this journey I have started working as head of school at a Montessori pre-school and this position has helped me get even more confident and calm in my abilities. I have learnt to reach out and receive help as well the way I want from people close to me.  Overall, I enjoyed the journey and wish Kalika all the best helping other women achieve their goals.

Nisha Kopikar

Managing Partner, Silvasa Reality, Head of School, Little Amigos, Montessori
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